Link exchange: the sure way of site promotion in search engines

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Search engines have realized the information on websites (such as META tags, keyword density etc) can be manipulated. So they needed to find other ways to rank pages, a way that was less in control of the site-owners' will.

So now search engines count how many websites link to yours and what keywords they use when publishing this link. This approach helps to decide how high your site should be in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) for certain search terms. If many people decide to link to you because they think your site might be of interest to their visitors - they will share a part of their traffic with you - then so do the search engines by putting a value on this link.

Key to successful link building
So what can you do? The answer looks simple: get as many site backlinks as you can. Some good points to remember are:

    * your link partners should highlight the related theme
    * they should not use link spamming methods
    * it's good to have high PageRank for the page that links to you
    * do not get too many inbound links too quickly
    * get both reciprocal and one-way links pointing to you
<a target="_blank" href="">How to create website - a free tutorial</a>
How to create website - a free tutorial
How to create website - a free tutorial
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A Website Tutorial
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